Placing an order

Assistance with placing an order

Our order process consists of 3 clear steps, allowing you to decide how you want to order. Your order will only be final after you have confirmed your order with your bank. You can amend everything beforehand.

Select your products

  • Add a product with the button ‘in basket’. If you want to order several items of the same type, simply change the number. After this, press the "update cart" button.
  • Pressing the "to checkout" button takes you to the page where you can enter your details.
  • Have you changed your mind? Set the quantity to zero, click "update cart" and go to the page where you wish to go.
  • Have you finished shopping? Then click on "to checkout".

Fill in your details

  • Fill your address details into the screen. We use this information to send you your order. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are therefore obligatory.
  • Have you finished entering your details? Click on "place order".

Choose your shipping method

Choose your desired shipping method here; you can choose from:

  • Parcel service

Select a payment method

You have the following payment options, which are free of charge.

  • Credit card: VISA, Mastercard, or American Express
  • PayPal
  • Biller (business invoice - 30 days)

Check and confirm your order

In this step, you receive an overview of your order information.

  • Is everything correct? You can complete the order by pressing the "place order" button.
  • You can then complete the payment through your own bank